
We have the best ghostwriters for your project.

We have over 20 expert ghostwriters and editors on staff right now!

Our ghostwriters are not about the glory or the accolades. They’re simply about writing the best story they can for you. Just as some people help those who want to lose weight by using their nutritional expertise, those who help people look amazing with the perfect haircut or blowout, or those who drive people to their destinations with Uber, a ghostwriter helps you by providing a service.

Manuscript Man uses a screening process to decide is best qualified to perform client work.

The first thing we look for are writers who are masters of the English language. They are experts in spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. We want writers who type quickly and who have expertise at story structure, character development, plotting, and pacing. We also set high standards for those with exceptional research skills and interviewing expertise. It takes a special kind of person who can put a client at ease so they can convey their story and personal details.

We want writers who can write in almost any genre but we also seek writers who are experts in a single genre. This helps us to provide you with the most suitable writer for your project. Our writers keep in close contact with you and deliver pages regularly so you can be involved in the process and the tone and direction of the story as it unfolds.

Manuscript Man handles all contracts, agreements, and invoicing and we put our reputation on the line, vouching for our writers. We make sure you get exactly what you came for, and a little bit more.

If you’re concerned about your writing or storytelling skills, let us take the reins. Think of us as an extension of yourself, where we do the writing while you tell the story.

Get a free consultation with one of our writers by filling out our form on the Contact page. Let us know the type of writing you need, the genre, word count or pages, and your goals. You are under no obligation to move forward but will learn a lot about the process for future endeavors.

Or just call us or text