
Getting started can be overwhelming. Or are you a writer stuck with a problematical script? The good news is that we are here to help. The owner of Pronto Screenwriting Services has been assisting with writing or rescuing screenplays with an exceptionally-talented roster of pro writers for a long time.

When it comes to bringing your idea to life it all starts with a script, which can be a challenge for even for the most advanced writers. That’s okay because there are professional writers who are available if you might need a helping hand. Professionals who know what the decision makers look for and will help get your project to where it needs to be. Whether you’re a struggling writer or expert author, if you’re trying to bring your vision to the big screen, we have a team of people waiting here to help you.

When writing a script, it’s essential to start with a good outline which includes plot, dialogue, story structure, or character development. However, the script is just the first part to seeing your name in lights. You’ll also need a pitch deck composed of a logline, synopsis, and treatment, along with a query letter and other components.

A professional writer not only has writing skills but they can guide you in your quest to get your idea into the right hands. Skill and experience go hand in hand. While someone with excellent writing skills can write in one format it doesn’t mean they can write a script and they probably don’t have the connections and know how to get it sold.

If you’re like most writers, you’re wary about sharing writing credits, but if you hire a screenwriter from us, the credit remains all yours. Your writer is a professional who works behind the scenes to put together a professional script and pitch deck to get in front of decision makers. Whether it’s adapting your story or rewriting it for the screen, we can do it all. With perfect discretion. Unless you want to share credit, nobody will know we helped.

Even if you’ve already written your script, it’s a good idea to have one of our script doctors look it over. An excellent script doctor knows screenplay structure. They know how to take your words and rework them into a masterpiece that meets industry requirements. A pro script doctor can see things you might not have considered or missed that can make or break your chances for success. And just like anything else, practice makes perfect. A pro writer who does this every day will produce the best results.

Some screenwriters specialize in specific genres and styles, and Pronto Screenwriting Services knows its writers personally and will recommend one who will make your work shine.

We are the professional screenwriters and script doctors you need. We’ve been providing screenwriting services since 2002.

Write or call to discuss your movie or TV idea.